Girton Cottontails Preschool provides top quality care and education for children in a safe, stimulating, happy and caring environment, where the children can learn through their play.
Girton Cottontails preschool's philosophy is simple - Learning through Play - a philosophy strongly supported by Early Years research; but, for Learning Through Play to be effective in a preschool setting; the child needs the same level of individual support and understanding that parents provide at home.
At Girton Cottontails preschool we achieve this by having a committed child centered approach applied to every aspect of the care and education of the children.
We welcome children from the age of 2 and remain with us until they start primary school.
For further information please click here to view our parent information brochure
Girton Cottontails Preschool offers early start to all children who attend the preschool.

To apply for a place at Girton Cottontails Preschool please email
Emma or Laura at info@girtoncottontailspreschool.com
Ofsted Registration 2659139

In September 2020 Emma and Laura re opened Cottontails preschool as a Community interest company which means all the profits will go back into the preschool. We both worked at Cottontails Preschool for many years and it means a lot to us both. The Preschool has been part of Girton for many years and we felt very strongly about wanting it to continue. Our aim is to provide a service and re-establish a friendly welcoming preschool.
As a community interest company the support of the community would be greatly received to help us provide the best service that we can, we are working on improving the outside area of the preschool and any donations received will go towards this. As well as purchasing other resources.
If you would like to support us please click the link below.